What to Do When You Accidentally Ran Over a Squirrel

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As a driver, it’s always tough to deal with the aftermath of accidentally hitting an animal on the road. The feeling of accidentally running over a squirrel can be overwhelming and sometimes even traumatic. However, it’s crucial to handle the situation properly to minimize any further harm to the animal and ensure your safety as well.

Accidents involving animals can be challenging, and it’s essential to understand the importance of dealing with the situation correctly. In this article, we’ll discuss what to do when you accidentally run over a squirrel and provide you with some tips on how to handle the situation with care and compassion. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this critical topic.

When You Accidentally Ran Over a Squirrel

Understanding the Situation

Legalities and Responsibilities

When it comes to accidentally running over a squirrel, it’s essential to understand the legalities and responsibilities involved. In most cases, the law doesn’t require you to stop or report hitting a squirrel or other small animals. However, it’s still crucial to act responsibly and do what you can to minimize any further harm to the animal.

If you hit a squirrel on a private road or driveway, you’re responsible for taking care of the animal. In some states, it’s illegal to dispose of dead animals in the trash, so you’ll need to find another way to handle it. You can contact animal control or a wildlife rehabilitation center for assistance.

Factors to Consider When Dealing with an Accident Involving a Squirrel

Accidents involving animals can be emotional and stressful. When dealing with an accident involving a squirrel, it’s essential to consider several factors. First, assess the situation and determine whether the squirrel is still alive or dead. If the squirrel is still alive, check yourself and your passengers for any injuries and move the car to a safe location.

Next, assess the condition of the squirrel. If the animal is still alive, it’s best to contact a wildlife rehabilitation center for assistance. They can provide proper care and treatment for the squirrel and, if possible, release the animal back into the wild. If the squirrel is dead, it’s essential to dispose of the animal properly. You can contact animal control or a wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance on how to do so.

First Steps to Take

Stop the Car Safely

The first step to take after hitting a squirrel is to stop the car safely. If you’re on a busy road, pull over to the side, turn on your hazard lights, and make sure you’re not blocking any traffic. If you’re on a quiet road, make sure to park your car in a safe spot to avoid any further accidents.

Check Yourself and Your Passengers

After stopping the car, check yourself and your passengers for any injuries. Even though hitting a squirrel may seem like a minor accident, it’s essential to ensure that everyone is okay.

Assess the Condition of the Squirrel

Once you have checked on yourself and your passengers, it’s time to assess the condition of the squirrel. If the animal is still alive, it’s always better to call a wildlife rescue center or animal control to ensure the animal receives proper care. If the squirrel is dead, you can move it from the road to avoid further accidents. However, always make sure to wear gloves and avoid touching the animal with your bare hands to prevent the spread of any diseases.

What to Do with the Squirrel

When you accidentally run over a squirrel, it can be challenging to know what to do with the animal. The first step is to assess the condition of the squirrel and determine whether it’s still alive or dead. Depending on the situation, there are different ways to handle the animal.

If the Squirrel Is Still Alive

If the squirrel is still alive, the best thing to do is to contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center or animal rescue organization. They have the expertise and resources to care for injured animals and give them the best chance of survival. In the meantime, try to keep the squirrel warm and calm by placing it in a quiet and dark place. Avoid handling the animal too much, as this can cause additional stress and harm.

If the Squirrel Is Dead

If the squirrel is dead, it’s essential to handle the animal with care and respect. You can move the squirrel to a safe place, such as the side of the road, away from traffic. If you’d like, you can also bury the animal in a suitable location. However, it’s crucial to check with local regulations and guidelines before doing so.

How to Safely Move the Squirrel

When moving the squirrel, it’s essential to handle the animal with care and respect. Wear gloves or use a shovel to avoid direct contact with the animal and prevent the spread of any potential diseases. Carefully lift the squirrel and place it in a box or container for transportation if necessary. Remember to consider the safety of yourself and others when handling the animal.

Prevention and Safety Tips

Tips to Avoid Accidents with Animals

The best way to handle an accident with animals is to avoid them altogether. Here are some tips to help you avoid hitting an animal on the road:

1. Stay Alert

Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when driving in areas where wildlife is prevalent. Keep an eye out for any signs of animals, such as deer crossing signs, and slow down in those areas.

2. Use High Beams

Using your high beams can help you see animals in the road ahead of time, giving you more time to react.

3. Don’t Swerve

If an animal suddenly appears in front of your vehicle, it’s natural to want to swerve to avoid hitting it. However, swerving can cause you to lose control of your car and potentially cause an even more severe accident. Instead, slow down as much as possible and brake carefully.

What to Do in Case of an Emergency

Even with all the precautions, accidents can still happen. Here’s what you should do in case of an emergency:

1. Stay Calm

The first thing to do is to stay calm. Avoid any sudden movements or actions that could cause further harm.

2. Pull Over Safely

If it’s safe to do so, pull over to the side of the road and turn on your hazard lights. This will signal to other drivers that there’s an obstacle on the road and give you some space to work.

3. Call for Help

If the situation is severe, call for help immediately. You can dial 911 or your local emergency services to get assistance.

4. Check for Injuries

If you or any passengers are injured, seek medical attention immediately. Even minor injuries can become severe if left untreated.

By following these tips, you can minimize the risk of accidents with animals on the road and handle emergencies with care and compassion.


Accidentally running over a squirrel can be a challenging experience for any driver. However, handling the situation with care and compassion can make a significant difference. By understanding the legalities and responsibilities, assessing the condition of the squirrel, and knowing what to do in case of an emergency, you can ensure the safety of yourself and the animal.

It’s essential to be responsible and compassionate when dealing with an accident involving a squirrel. Prevention is always better than cure, and it’s crucial to take precautions to avoid such incidents. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can deal with such situations with confidence and ensure the well-being of yourself and the animals on the road.

At squirrelfact.com, we value the safety and well-being of all animals, including squirrels. We hope this article has been helpful and informative, and we encourage you to share this information with others. Remember, every small act of kindness towards animals can make a significant impact in their lives. Let’s all do our part in making the world a better place for them.

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